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Breastfeeding Prep: A 10-Part Email Series

For pregnant mums and dads


10-Part Email Series

This series covers breastfeeding tips, resources, real stories and reasons why joining Breastfeeding Essentials Class (Singapore-based) will be beneficial.

✔️ Ten bite-sized content across 10 days
✔️ Easy-to-read and digest

Level up your knowledge

Are you pregnant and excited to breastfeed your baby? Fantastic! But maybe you also have a few questions swirling around in your head.

Whether you're a first-time parent or second-time parent or more, and would like to just find out what to understand about preparing to breastfeed, this email series is packed with expert tips and insights to guide you.

What you’ll learn

Meet who’s behind the emails

Eliza, IBCLC

Whether you're a new parent facing infant feeding challenges, a seasoned breastfeeding veteran navigating a new obstacle, I'm here to guide and empower you with evidence-based information while remaining respectful and non-judgemental.

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Breastfeeding is a natural process, but knowledge is power.

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