Exclusive Pumping Consultation

Being an EP mother is a personal choice and you deserve to get the right support for it

Exclusive pumping is extra hard work

You’ve decided that EP is for you, or perhaps you have no choice but to be an EP mum. EP life can be tough and overwhelming especially in the initial phase. Whatever the reason is, you need trained pumping support.

Reasons to book an Exclusive Pumping consult

  1. Worried about low milk supply

  2. Struggling with oversupply

  3. Unsure how often to pump and when

  4. Planning to decrease pumping frequency

  5. Unsure how much milk to express

  6. Questions around handling and storing expressed breast milk

  7. Unsure how to care for older child while needing to pump for baby

And more…

Personalised for you.

Every pumping experience is a different one and what worked for one mother may not work for others. This Exclusive Pumping Consultation will allow families to share their concerns, assess pumping routine, including observation of a pumping session. A personalised pumping plan will be provided at the end of the consult.

What if I want to direct latch more instead?

This is a safe space with no-judgement for EP mothers. Being an EP mum is also a breastfeeding mother. Not all EP mothers want to exclusive pump and that’s okay. If you find that you do not have enough support or not sure how to transit more towards direct latching, you’ve come to the right place!

What will be covered?

  • Pumping assessment

  • Flange sizing and measurement

  • Managing milk supply

  • Handling and storing expressed breast milk

  • The ideal and right way to bottle feed baby

  • Techniques to pumping effectively

And more…

Book a consult

Virtual consult

  • 30 minutes: SGD 65 (good for up to 2 main concerns or a few quick questions)

  • 60 minutes: SGD 120 (good for 2 to 3 major concerns)

Home visit (1 hour) - $138

Exclude transport fee (+$6 to $20)